Department of NH American Legion Baseball

Spring Committee meeting 3/1/15

Hudson Post 48


Meeting called to order by Chairman Harvey at 9:40

Members present:

Rick Harvey.....................................Committee Chairman/ Jr. Legion Program Director

Jay Hunnewell.................................Committee Vice Chairman/Dist B Director

Gary Wayman..................................Assistant to Vice Chairman

Steve Hernandez............................. Department Baseball Committee

James Dupont..................................Trophies and Awards

Adam Gureckis.................................Department Baseball Committee

Donald Holmquist............................Public relations

Ron Lemay......................................District A Director

Peter St. Pierre................................Department Baseball Committee

Wayne PerraÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ..Department Baseball Committee


Chairman Harvey called the meeting to order at 9:40.

Chairman Harvey introduced Friends of Legion Baseball Representative Frank Ulcickas. Frank discussed the need for more volunteers to assist with the State Tournament and suggested getting help from teams in the baseball program.  Frank also recognized Mayor Donnalee Lozeau as contributing factor in securing Holman Stadium for our state tournament after many years of being locked out due to the stadium being reserved primarily for semi-pro teams. Frank noted that the Department is served well by moving the Tournament around the State and offered to share his knowledge and experience with other Posts interested in hosting a State Tournament. In closing there was brief discussion of dedicating this yearÕs tournament to two longtime supporters of Legion Baseball.

Chairman Harvey commented on the Senior and Junior State Tournaments. Efforts will be made to host each tournament on different weeks to maintain optimal staffing levels and avoid any conflicts between personnel working both Tournaments. Also discussed was the double elimination format being used in this yearÕs Senior Tournament. The Tournament brackets have been posted to the website.


Chairman Harvey informed the committee that he had received some correspondence from Umpire in Chief Steve Drescher relative to the umpires arbiter system. The current system in place cannot handle the anticipated work load. Dresher recommends waiting until next year to implement the system. This will allow Drescher to develop a program that can handle the work load that will better serve the baseball program.

There was brief discussion in regards to rules and the need to enforce the make rules provision in the rule book. The struggle to finish the season in a timely manner prior to the tournament has been an annual issue. The NHIAA extended baseball season due to contractual obligations with Fisher CatÕs stadium has affected our ability to get games in earlier in the season.

Chairman Harvey discussed the idea that the scheduling meeting be eliminated in favor of an informational style meeting with teams closer to the start of the season. With the submission of team schedules via e-mail and teams having access to the website to confirm schedules, a meeting in April or May for Q&A could be beneficial. Rick will bring up suggestion at scheduling meeting for input from Managers/Coaches.

Harvey noted that all teams had registered with the last two registrations being received on Friday February 27th. Rick mentioned that the registration does not cost anything and could be done sooner as it gives the committee advance notice of teams coming back. Pete St. Pierre made a motion to establish February 15th as the annual deadline for returning teams to register for the program. Motion second and passed unanimously.

Rick informed committee that the new one time waiver rule for Sr. players is allowed as our state rules may be stricter than National rules but cannot be more lenient.

Chairman Harvey discussed the possibility of NH participating in a late summer showcase league sponsored by Rhode Island. The idea is to put a Legion team or teams together of college prospects that would play other Legion teams from New England. Games could be played at college campuses where scouts could conveniently watch prospect play. Additional feedback from Managers/Coaches will be requested. More details will be posted as they develop.

Committeeman Steve Hernandez gave overview of background check program.

Chairman Harvey spoke about the need to push the scholarship applications.

Committeeman Jim Dupont to add two plaques to the trophy order for recognition at the State Tournament.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:45am



Jay Hunnewell

Dept. of NH American Legion Baseball

Spring Scheduling meeting 3/1/15

Hudson Post 48



Chairman Harvey called the general scheduling meeting of the 2105 teams to order at 11:10am.

Frank Ulcickas spoke about the 2015 State Tournament to be held at Holman Stadium and asked for teams to support the Tournament in the purchase of adds in the program book.

Chairman Harvey provided summary of discussions at earlier Baseball Committee meeting. Meeting minutes are available.

Bedford Post 54 Dick LaFlamme expressed concern over the unbalanced Junior Division District A format. After brief discussion LaFlamme made motion to make District A one Division and have the top four teams qualify for the state tournament. Motion second and passed unanimously.

Upon verification of each team home schedules the meeting was adjourned.


Jay Hunnewell